Why Does The Registry Model Work? Client Video Reflections

Article by: Kevin Matthews
Registry Principal and
President of Registry Advisory Services


Looking for a new marketing vehicle and operating under the principle that “word of mouth” is perhaps the most powerful and effective form of marketing, we thought our satisfied clients could, perhaps, most genuinely describe the advantages of securing interim leadership with The Registry. We have long used testimonials on our website and marketing materials. Was our new business tool, Zoom, a way to capture and present testimonials in a new, efficient, and perhaps more effective way? With these video testimonials we would now have a tool to further spread that word about the value of The Registry in order to create even more opportunities for our membership.

We conducted a series of interviews with clients who we knew had had very positive experiences with The Registry, some of whom had had multiple placements. We started recording these interviews in the days when we were just returning to post-COVID normalcy, and these Zoom calls reflect that new medium and new mode of operation in a way that brings a true reflection of the time. The use of Zoom, of course, made this possible. Linda Midland, our Director of Marketing, and Katrina Penley, our 2023 Marketing Intern, worked diligently and creatively to edit these interviews together into an informative and entertaining format.

So, what follows is a video constructed from that series of interviews. What was revealed surprised us. The advantages we have historically described in our sales calls and marketing pieces were confirmed and reflected back to us. They are perhaps the foundation for thinking about how to more effectively relate those advantages to new clients. But most important, they present an opportunity to bring authentic testimonials to their presidential peers and to increase even further the body of work of The Registry.

Why Does The Registry Model Work? Client Video Reflections

Article by: Kevin Matthews
Registry Principal and
President of Registry Advisory Services

Looking for a new marketing vehicle and operating under the principle that “word of mouth” is perhaps the most powerful and effective form of marketing, we thought our satisfied clients could, perhaps, most genuinely describe the advantages of securing interim leadership with The Registry. We have long used testimonials on our website and marketing materials. Was our new business tool, Zoom, a way to capture and present testimonials in a new, efficient, and perhaps more effective way? With these video testimonials we would now have a tool to further spread that word about the value of The Registry in order to create even more opportunities for our membership.

We conducted a series of interviews with clients who we knew had had very positive experiences with The Registry, some of whom had had multiple placements. We started recording these interviews in the days when we were just returning to post-COVID normalcy, and these Zoom calls reflect that new medium and new mode of operation in a way that brings a true reflection of the time. The use of Zoom, of course, made this possible. Linda Midland, our Director of Marketing, and Katrina Penley, our 2023 Marketing Intern, worked diligently and creatively to edit these interviews together into an informative and entertaining format.

So, what follows is a video constructed from that series of interviews. What was revealed surprised us. The advantages we have historically described in our sales calls and marketing pieces were confirmed and reflected back to us. They are perhaps the foundation for thinking about how to more effectively relate those advantages to new clients. But most important, they present an opportunity to bring authentic testimonials to their presidential peers and to increase even further the body of work of The Registry.



Searching for an Interim?
Please contact us for more information.



Contact the Registry for more information.