Reflections on the Annual Seminar

Interview with Senior Consultants:

Larry Lewellen

Senior Consultant and RAS Human Resources Practice Leader

1.) Overall, how would you describe your experience at the Annual Seminar in Memphis this year?

My wife Lori and I both attended, which I think was really key to my experience…getting to interact with spouses and partners is just as meaningful as with members and staff creates deeper relationships among us. She loved it!  

I have been a member since 2015 and was not able to attend all conferences, but of the ones I did…this one was by far the best!! The events were extremely well organized, the topics were on point, and the panels seemed to have a level of relaxed intimacy rather than formality, in a way that I really enjoy. The Senior Consultants did an excellent job of connecting all the dots and tying concepts together to the themes.

 2. What are your impressions about the Seminar being back after two years of shutdown due to COVID-19? 

I do believe that in today’s world of work, there is very much that can happen virtually to foster relationships and move strategy. However, (!) at a time for reflection, for building our strengths and our toolkits for leadership, and preparing for changing times ahead, being together is the very best.  

 3. What was your favorite moment or activity during the Seminar? What made it so special to you? 

Well, my favorite moment of all was going to Graceland and seeing Nikki strike and Elvis pose!! The picture is available in case you want to help her relive that memory again and again. 

My favorite activity was the session on restructuring…restructuring is a foundational process required for all change in the academy, and change is spinning everywhere. 

4. What are you looking forward to at next year’s conference? 

I’m looking forward to seeing the Registry staff in person again, and getting to meet as many Registry members as possible. 

 Is there any other comment you would like to share with the community? 

If you like sports analogies, the seminar was a home run, a touchdown, a spike over the net, and a goal all in one!!! 


 Rev. Dr. William C. Nelsen

Registry Member, Senior Consultant, and

Seminary Practice Leader

1.) Three words describe my experience at the Registry Seminar in Memphis: positive, informative, and meaningful. The Seminar was filled with opportunities to hear presentations, to be engaged in discussions concerning important issues in higher education, and to hear stories about where and how The Registry, through its experienced membership, is making a real difference. Memphis was a great selection for the Seminar, with the historic Peabody Hotel, the Civil Rights Museum, and Graceland. 

 2. I have missed the opportunity that the annual Registry Seminar presents to link with other Registry members, renew friendships, and hear stories and presentations from knowledgeable Registry members and others. It was a real pleasure to gather again in person. 

 3. My favorite moments were at the roundtable discussions. These provide special opportunities to engage in lively, interesting and valuable conversations, hear stories of experiences of Registry members in action, share ideas for educational improvement, and get to know other members in meaningful ways.  

4. Holding the Seminar next year in Philadelphia should present some special opportunities to connect with early American history and the meaning of our democracy. Perhaps the overall theme could be something like “American Democracy, Civic Engagement, and the Role of Higher Education”. Philadelphia also has several outstanding higher educational colleges, universities, and seminaries that can provide special resources. 

Other comment: I was especially pleased to meet new members of The Registry who seemed to be very excited about being selected for membership and were eager to be placed in assignments. In my mind they demonstrated two key qualities that speak to the best of what it should mean to be a Registry member: (1) being motivated by a sense of service, using the member’s expertise and experience to have a positive impact for the life of an institution and its people, and (2) being open to a new adventure that The Registry membership presents, ready to respond with as much flexibility as possible.   


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