Acing Your Zoom Interview

Nikki Cormier
Director of Client Services



Due to COVID-19 Colleges and Universities are more frequently requesting a video interview in the early stages of choosing an interim leader. For many of us, interviewing virtually may be new.  Here are tips you can use to prepare for your next video interview.

  • Be prepared. Review the notice, preparation materials, and the institution’s website (read bios if available).
  • Have questions. Be engaged.

Video Calls:

  • Dress professionally. This is still an interview, so please continue to dress accordingly. Note: Low-resolution cameras, difficult lighting, or slow internet connections can cause your video quality to suffer. As a result, some outfit colors can completely washout your appearance. To avoid this issue, avoid dressing in all-white or all-black outfits—soft colors or navy blues tend to be best.
  • Use a desktop or laptop rather than a tablet or cell phone. This will create a more pleasing visual display, as they provide better angles and are much more stable. Most of these devices come equipped with a webcam; however, if your device does not have one, buy one with the proper connection.
  • Have a strong internet connection. You can use Wi-Fi if you have a strong connection. Try to sit as close as possible to your router or have a hard connection by using an ethernet cable.
  • Create a professional interview space. Find a private space for your videoconference and ensure that people or pets are not moving through the space. Be mindful to ensure that whatever artwork or décor is behind you is not distracting or offensive. Please do NOT use a virtual background as this will create visual glitches.
  • Lighting is important. A location with natural light is ideal; however, not always available. It is best to sit with lighting in front of you, rather than behind or directly overhead as this will wash you out or create shadows. If you need to sit by a window, try to face it, or close the blinds should it need to remain in your background.
  • Position your Webcam correctly. You will be most effective if you are close to and directly aligned with the monitor, which will enable effective eye contact. If you are positioned above your camera then it will appear to others that you are constantly looking down.
  • Look properly engaged. Try not to lean forward – this will enlarge your face on everyone’s screen. Sit straight with open shoulders. Facial and physical expressions are often exaggerated over online video, so be aware of your facial expressions and remember to smile as appropriate. Avoid fidgeting, playing with your glasses or a pen, or sitting with your face held in your hand—even if you are engaged, these behaviors will make you appear distracted.
  • Be on time. Log into your meeting 5-10 minutes early to ensure proper connection.
  • Schedule a trial run with The Registry if you are not familiar with the platform being used. Room locations, lighting, camera angles, and any technology glitches can be tested before the scheduled meeting with the institution. Let us know when you are available! Contact the team member you are working with:

Nikki Cormier
Director of Client Support
(978) 532-4090

Mikaela Rodgers
Executive Assistant
(978) 532-4090

Linda Midland
Executive Assistant and Marketing Coordinator
(978) 532-4090

Additional Tips:

  • When you are asked to introduce yourself, you do not need to start at your birth. Have an elevator speech prepared that includes your experience, but not go through your entire resume.
  • If you think you’re talking too much, chances are… you are. Stay focused on the asked question and try not to go off track.
  • **Do not start negotiating any terms. That is for the Registry Principal**






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