The Registry’s Growing Presence On LinkedIn

Galen Hench
Director of Membership



Earlier this year, we shared an article outlining the numerous ways in which The Registry seeks to expand its presence on social media. In particular, LinkedIn has become an important tool allowing The Registry to more easily share news and updates about our members and our interim placements. 

How You Can Get Involved 

As The Registry continues to expand its presence on LinkedIn, you can get involved in several ways. Most importantly, if you have not all ready done so, we encourage you to read Dr. Robert Smith’s excellent article on how to set up a LinkedIn account yourself. Once you have a LinkedIn account, or if you all ready have one, we encourage you to navigate to The Registry’s LinkedIn page and “Follow” us. Once you’ve followed the page, you will automatically receive notifications, news, and other information which is published on the page. 

Sharing News and Updates

One of the great things about LinkedIn is how easy it is to share recent news or articles published by our members. For example, if you have recently published an article about higher education, leadership, or a related subject consider taking a moment to share it with us. Likewise, it is helps The Registry if our followers are able to either “Like” or “Share” materials that we may post. These sort of “engagements” help to ensure that The Registry’s posts are seen by as broad an audience as possible. 

If you run into any challenges setting up your LinkedIn account, or if you have questions about best practices or how to connect to The Registry, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can email me directly with any such questions via email at









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